Those of you who know me won't be surprised that patience is a virtue I have yet to cultivate. I've been able to make it through most of my life with few complications (and a few temper tantrums), but it appears that the time for patience has come.
Do you know the old joke of how to make God laugh? Punch line: tell Him your plans. Well, He must have been laughing like crazy back in May. I was so convinced that I could whip this house into shape, put it on the market, sell quickly and be on my way to Georgia. This is how it actually happened.....
Our house was not ready until mid-July and if I were honest I would admit that there are probably a few things I could still do. We have placed it for sale and while we've recieve a fair amount of interest, as of yet, no offers. Home shopping in Georgia hasn't been much more productive, but without a sale here it doesn't really matter. School is starting soon and I must admit to getting a bit teary eyed. I've been crying to God that we are living in limbo. We don't really live in Kentucky, but we don't yet live in Georgia. Do I place the children in school here or try to enroll them in Georgia? Do we try to buy a house in Georgia or just find an apartment for the time being?
These are just a few of the things that I discuss with God each night, but He only has one word for me....patience.
"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:25