Raised in Indiana....
And, settling in Illinois, we where right behind him.
We went past Springfield, IL and made our way to Chicago where my husband is on business.
As if we had not already spent more than enough time in the car, we picked up my husband, jumped back into the car and headed on down the road.....
It was ok because this can be lots of fun.
Eventually, you get hungry and must find some place to eat....this looked good...and it was!
We were back on the road with the wind in our faces.
I tell the children that they don't need their cell phones or their Ipods....if you don't want to see another corn field then just look up.....
Looking up we saw this glorious sight while at a stop sign...
Bridges are much more exciting while looking up....(not for the driver though...well maybe it would be?!)
I have no idea what the scientific name for this is, but it is certainly beautiful.
We finally reached our destination. Don't recognize it? Why, that's Old Man River himself!
So, how is your summer so far?