Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Weather Outside is Frightful...

My apologies to Frank Sinatra....

     Rain, snow, ice --- here in Kentucky we are expecting them all today!  While it may be frightful outside, we can make it quite delightful inside....with a little help from Betty Crocker and her hot cocoa recipe.

     Mix 1/4 cup of sugar with 1/4 cup cocoa.  To this add 1 1/2 cups of water.  Bring it too a boil over low heat then add 5 1/2 cups of milk and heat until scalded (do not boil).  A pinch of salt and a drop of vanilla finishes it off....but to make it truly sublime we all know that you need tiny marshmallows and a candy can stirrer!  (yields 6-8 why not invite a friend?!)

Weary Little Souls

(Written earlier this morning)

     The last day of the year and I am sitting in bed contemplating what the new year has in store for us.  This year has had a many ups and downs and at times I've cried to God to help us get off this seesaw!  So, at once I am happy and sad to see 2009 take it's final bow tonight, but I am determined to make the best of 2010.

     As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, I admit to wanting to fuss over everything left undone before the clock strikes midnight.  Yet, I do not want to carry weariness and anxiety into the new year.  Perfectionism is draining and, if I believed in new year resolutions, I would resolve to do away with such a horrid habit! I want to welcome 2010 with a light heart.  Here is my plan:

     Stick to the plan - A daily schedule is my best friend. I know the fear of the unexpected visitor showing up at the front door just as your children have pulled every single thing out of the hall closet, the sink couldn't hold another dirty dish and Cheerios crunch with every step you take.  The ensuing panic/anxiety leaves me feeling worn out and this is where a schedule will help.  I'm not talking about a color-coded, power-point presentation kind of schedule.  I'm thinking bare bones kind of plan.  A plan that you can live with and not feel as if it weighs you down.  Of course, everyones will look different, but here is mine...Monday is laundry and bills....Tuesday is marketing....Wednesday is baking and ironing....Thursday is errands and projects...and Friday is for cleaning. 
     On Monday's, I will not let that pile of books, that haven't a home, bother me because I know I will deal with them on Thursday (project day). While Friday's are my cleaning day, the basics will be done everyday...wipe the toothpaste out of the sink :) , give the floors a quick sweep and put things to right.  Friday is about the real cleaning, but daily it will look good enough for unexpected visitors.
     When you become weary from the neverending cycle of cleaning remember Elisabeth Elliot's words "when in doubt about what to do, do the next thing."

Be creative- No, you aren't expected to create a masterpiece each day :) , but do attempt to do something creative each day.  It can be as simple as coloring in your children's coloring book or picking wild flowers to fill a jelly jar.  For a moment your mind will be refreshed by these simple acts and give you time to thank God for His creation.

Soul pampering- All too often when we are overwhelmed by lifes demands we attempt to heal the weariness by pampering our bodies.  Of course, there are times when our bodies do need this pampering, but when the weariness if 'bone deep', you will need something more.  Spending more time in Bible reading and prayer can heal your weary soul.  The Lord's words have the power to soothe and reenergize.  Remember to pray each day that His will be done and may your life, actions and thoughts be a glory unto Him.

Happy New Year!!

In His Peace,

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Time To Rest

The hustle and bustle of Christmas has passed.  Let us all take some time to reflect on the wonderful memories we have of 2009 and  look forward to the coming year.  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I send prayers and good wishes for a very Happy New Year!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Flying By....

Yes, I have been a terrible blogger, but I promise to do better!Time has just been flying by (more like 'bye'). New posts soon....Until then, get outside and enjoy the beautiful autumn colors while they last.

Monday, September 7, 2009

By The Pond

It looks like moving day is quickly approaching and I'm feeling more than a little overwhelmed, but I finally know where I will be living. That is a positive, right?

We've leased this lovely little house for the next year....(I'm not terribly fond of the blue, but you won't catch me on a ladder trying to remedy it's unfortunate coloring). Besides, the yard more than makes up for it.

Did I mention that it has a wonderful screened in porch? I plan to spend most of my time on it, sipping tea and reading some Elizabeth Goudge....perhaps I will glance up ever so often to take a look at this...
Yes, that was bragging, but you must forgive me for I will be terribly homesick.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Unexpected Surprises

To My Dear and Loving Husband

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov’d by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that Rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can in no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold I pray.
Then while we live, in love lets so persevere,
That when we live no more, we may live ever.

Anne Bradstreet (1612-72)

I know exactly what she is talking about.

I received a wonderful gift today and it came out of the blue....and was in a divine blue box. They are lovely....thank you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

At Long Last...

"Dreams carried around in one's heart for years, if they are dreams that have God's approval, have a way of suddenly materializing." ~Catherine Marshall

Divorce can affect a family for generations. My grandparents divorced when my mother was a mere 2 years old and for various reasons, none of which I completely understand, she never saw her father again. In 1976, she received word that her father had passed away and her chance to bond with the man who gave her life was lost.

While I've always been saddened by my mother's lack of a relationship with her own father, what was absolutely heartbreaking was the fact that she did not even know what he looked like. After all, not many memories remain from such a young age.

A mention of a second wife in the obituary was a hope. They corresponded for a while, but the only picture that she had was of him dressed as Santa. It gave Mother nothing.

I'm not sure when the dream was born in my heart to seek someone who could tell us about my grandfather, but a dream it was.

With great happiness I share the news that with the help of, I have found my mother's long lost family! This past weekend we met for lunch and with God's approval my dream materilized.

I would like to introduce my grandfather, Theodore....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Symphony

30 Days. Our house has been on the market for 30 days. I must admit to being more than a little depressed by this. After all, our last house sold in only 12 days! I was a completely different market 4 long years ago, but it doesn't make me feel a lot better. I remind myself that this isn't a buyers market or a sellers's God's market. No matter how much I beg and plead He has a plan that will be shown to me in due time. I know, I know....patience.

During my time of waiting, I've wondered where we will end up. A house is such a personal matter. My taste has changed as I've grown older....God bless my husband for not putting up a fuss about the early years of pink and frilly :) While I desire to live in the country with a few acres of solitude, I wonder if that is the best thing for my children. They've always lived in neighborhoods with several friends waiting just outside the door. There is an up and down side to both of these...

What about the physical house itself? I believe we've been programmed to believe that bigger is better, but in my experience it is not true. To this day our family misses our 1,800 square foot Cape Cod "starter" home. We now live in a house that is over 3,000 square feet, but have never loved it like the smaller one. That is exactly what I believe you need to do....truly love your home. Does it need to be perfect? Of course not. Does it need to be professionally decorated? That would be NO. What it does need is to reflect you. What do you love? What do you hold sacred? What matters most?

It is so easy to feel intimidated when reading some of the incredible decorating blogs and don't even get me started on the decorating magazines! They make it look effortless and I often just don't have the extra time or energy to try even half of what they do, but God bless them for doing it. Hopefully someday I will be able to put some of their good ideas to use, but for now I will just enjoy reading about their efforts.

So, while I don't usually have a "picture perfect" home, it does always reflect where my heart is.....

"To live content with small means;
To seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion;
To be worthy , not respectable, and wealthy, not rich;
To study hard, think quietly,
Talk gently,
Act frankly;
To listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart;
To bear all cheerfully,
Do all bravely,
Await occasions,
Hurry never.
In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony."

By William Henry Channing

(above photo is of the Webster Cottage...the orginal next-to-nothing house)

School Days

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." - William Shakespeare

Where did the summer go? With the start of a new school year the crazy level in the house rises. That is 3 children x 3 different schools = insanity! At least they all looked pretty.... l to r: Hayden 3rd grade, Paine 9th grade, and Madeline 6th grade (before "fixin" her hair).

Madeline with her hair all ready :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Time Out

No, no one is in trouble and put in time out. I'm taking a little bloggy break to drive to Georgia and celebrate the Mr's birthday....Happy 40th!!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tomato Love

We've been visiting my parents over the weekend and look at what I got....

Of course, I had to pick them, but they are so worth it!

I'm thinking tomato pie for dinner tomorrow night.... I'll share to recipe tomorrow.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Name Game

Naming your blog can be a bit daunting. It want something to strike the right, at a glance, tell what the blog is about and who you are. It is kind of like being in a class and everyone goes around giving one word for who you are.

After several stops and starts, I've come upon The Next-to-Nothing House. It is the title to a lovely little book first published in 1922. I am quite fortunate to own a first addition and truly treasure the wisdom found between the faded green cloth cover. I could try to explain what it means to me, but Lanier says it much better than I could.

The Dry Season

It has been a rare summer here in Kentucky....or at least in Central Kentucky. We have been blessed with enough rain. Usually water conservation is one of the main topics on the local news by August, but this year the rain has been plentiful.

The post title is not a comment on the weather, but of the times. It is almost impossible to watch the news, read a newspaper, or even listen to the radio without hearing about how times are tough. I have to regularly remind myself to look for the positive...and it's not always easy.

Today one of my favorite bloggers posted a lovely old poem from the Depression era that helps us to remember that times are only as tough as we allow them to be. Please hop over and see what Mrs. Wilt has to share. You won't be disappointed.

At Our Table

While growing up we always had dinner together at the kitchen table. It wasn't something we thought about...we just did it. I never thought of watching tv while eating my dinner, but somehow times have changed. I must admit that while our family sits in the same room and eats, we are not eating together.

With the house being for sale and trying to keep it 'showing perfect', we have returned to our table. I think we will be the better for it....

Where can you communicate while you eat?
Where can you enjoy real fellowship sweet?
Where can you laugh with friends who are neat?
At the table.

Where can you pour out your heart and soul?
Where can you explain what is taking its toll?
Where can you share your vision and goal?
At the table.

Where can you dialogue and sift through ideas?
Verbalize thoughts and yet still be at ease?
Discover new subjects to debate if you please?
At the table.

Where can your hearts be knitted as one?
Where can you yarn and old stories be spun?
Feel accepted so you don't have to run?
At the table.

Where can your children learn to sit still?
Acquire eating habits that won't make them ill?
Be taught good manners of which some have nil?
At the table.

Where to imbibe values and ethics for life?
Learn to eat correctly with fork and knife?
Observe how "to father" and be a good wife?
At the table.

Where can you reveal God's ways to your kin?
Teach them His Word will keep them from sin?
That to follow God's laws is the way to win?
At the table.

Where can you encourage your children each day?
And boost the confidence of these "jars of clay"?
Give counsel that will keep them from going astray?
At the table.

Where can you make your house feel a "home"?
With a lovely warm ambience and happy tone?
From where your children will not want to roam?
At the table.

Where can you show love to God's special "flock"?
Feed those who come to your door and knock?
Even those who don't know God can be their Rock?
At the table.

Where does God love His presence to fill?
Where does He want His blessing to spill?
Where does He want restless hearts to be still?
At the table.

Dear father and mother, look again at your table,
Family meals together will make your home stable!
Make it a priority -- your God will enable!
Sit at your table!

~Nancy Campbell

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cultivating Patience

Those of you who know me won't be surprised that patience is a virtue I have yet to cultivate. I've been able to make it through most of my life with few complications (and a few temper tantrums), but it appears that the time for patience has come.

Do you know the old joke of how to make God laugh? Punch line: tell Him your plans. Well, He must have been laughing like crazy back in May. I was so convinced that I could whip this house into shape, put it on the market, sell quickly and be on my way to Georgia. This is how it actually happened.....

Our house was not ready until mid-July and if I were honest I would admit that there are probably a few things I could still do. We have placed it for sale and while we've recieve a fair amount of interest, as of yet, no offers. Home shopping in Georgia hasn't been much more productive, but without a sale here it doesn't really matter. School is starting soon and I must admit to getting a bit teary eyed. I've been crying to God that we are living in limbo. We don't really live in Kentucky, but we don't yet live in Georgia. Do I place the children in school here or try to enroll them in Georgia? Do we try to buy a house in Georgia or just find an apartment for the time being?

These are just a few of the things that I discuss with God each night, but He only has one word for me....patience.

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:25


I thought this was more appropriate for our circumstance.....The Next-to-Nothing House Enjoy our new (blogging) home!


It's time for find me a magic wand!!!! I'm tired of cleaning, painting, organizing and being unpaid labor. I know....I need a little cheese to go with my whine.

What We'll Miss

Needless to say, this is a hard move for all of us. I thought I would take a moment to share just a few of the things that have made life here so great...
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Of course, this isn't everything. There are so many friends that we will miss something awful, but I didn't think y'all would want me to put your pictures on the internet lol.

Stay tuned in...I will show you what I'm looking forward to...

Graduation Week

Today was the big wrap up of graduation week and I am exhausted. Yesterday was Madeline's graduation and she looked just beautiful...yes, I am bias, but it is my blog and I get to write whatever I want :o) Of course, a new dress makes most girls feel extra pretty so we had to go shopping Thursday night. (I thought the Mr. was going to drag us both out of the store lol.) She received several awards, but just missed honor roll. Lets just say she didn't get her daddy's math abilities ;)

We took lots of pictures, which I will post soon, and took time to say goodbye to all of her friends and teachers. It was pretty sad....we've known most of them since kindergarten. We'll miss them all.

For Sale

Time seems to be flying. The Mr.  will be leaving in 10 short days and there is so much left to do. Of course, we should be spending all of our time getting the house ready to sell, but real life keeps getting in the way.

I'm sure that there are lots of mothers out there feeling exhausted from the final days of school and I'm no exception. Baseball practice and games, final projects, plays, end of year picnics, 5th and 8th grade graduations leave me feeling tired and I don't want to be an adult's over, I quit. If only it were that easy... So, what do I do? I make my lists and work each item one by one. I hope to finish by Christmas :)

A big step was taken today when I called our realtor. Our house should be on the market in a couple of weeks and then the hard work really begins. It makes me crazy trying to keep our house clean while it is being shown. Lets all pray for a quick sale! If I can't get a quick sale, I would, at least, like to not lose all of my hair during this.

Whistle While You Work

Vacation is my new best friend.....

Just so y'all know, I am taking volunteers!

Georgia On Our Mind

Welcome one and all to our new blog!

We have big news to share... We are moving to Georgia! I know it's shocking isn't it?! It is our hope that this blog will help us stay connected with our family and friends....hey, we may even make new friends with this.

So, this is your invitation to join us as we get our house ready to sell, find a new house, move seven hours away, start new schools, start new jobs....Gotta stop...I'm scaring myself. Here we go!