The last day of the year and I am sitting in bed contemplating what the new year has in store for us. This year has had a many ups and downs and at times I've cried to God to help us get off this seesaw! So, at once I am happy and sad to see 2009 take it's final bow tonight, but I am determined to make the best of 2010.
As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, I admit to wanting to fuss over everything left undone before the clock strikes midnight. Yet, I do not want to carry weariness and anxiety into the new year. Perfectionism is draining and, if I believed in new year resolutions, I would resolve to do away with such a horrid habit! I want to welcome 2010 with a light heart. Here is my plan:
Stick to the plan - A daily schedule is my best friend. I know the fear of the unexpected visitor showing up at the front door just as your children have pulled every single thing out of the hall closet, the sink couldn't hold another dirty dish and Cheerios crunch with every step you take. The ensuing panic/anxiety leaves me feeling worn out and this is where a schedule will help. I'm not talking about a color-coded, power-point presentation kind of schedule. I'm thinking bare bones kind of plan. A plan that you can live with and not feel as if it weighs you down. Of course, everyones will look different, but here is mine...Monday is laundry and bills....Tuesday is marketing....Wednesday is baking and ironing....Thursday is errands and projects...and Friday is for cleaning.
On Monday's, I will not let that pile of books, that haven't a home, bother me because I know I will deal with them on Thursday (project day). While Friday's are my cleaning day, the basics will be done everyday...wipe the toothpaste out of the sink :) , give the floors a quick sweep and put things to right. Friday is about the real cleaning, but daily it will look good enough for unexpected visitors.
When you become weary from the neverending cycle of cleaning remember Elisabeth Elliot's words "when in doubt about what to do, do the next thing."
Be creative- No, you aren't expected to create a masterpiece each day :) , but do attempt to do something creative each day. It can be as simple as coloring in your children's coloring book or picking wild flowers to fill a jelly jar. For a moment your mind will be refreshed by these simple acts and give you time to thank God for His creation.
Soul pampering- All too often when we are overwhelmed by lifes demands we attempt to heal the weariness by pampering our bodies. Of course, there are times when our bodies do need this pampering, but when the weariness if 'bone deep', you will need something more. Spending more time in Bible reading and prayer can heal your weary soul. The Lord's words have the power to soothe and reenergize. Remember to pray each day that His will be done and may your life, actions and thoughts be a glory unto Him.
Happy New Year!!
In His Peace,
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