Friday, May 27, 2011


artwork by Maria Dixon 1896

It has been quite a stressful month and I've soothed my frazzled nerves with a combination of tea and beloved books.  Here are a few lovely thought from one of Peter Marshall's  poetic sermons.

"There is beauty in homely things which many people have never seen:
Sunlight through a jar of beach-plum jelly;
A rainbow in soapsuds in dishwater;
An egg yolk in a blue bowl;
White ruffled curtains sifting moonlight;
The color of cranberry glass;
A little cottage with blue shutters;
Crimson roses in an old stone crock;
The smell of newly-baked bread;
Candlelight on old brass;
The soft brown of a cocker's eyes."

Just reading of such loveliness makes it easier to breath.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, Peter Marshall had it right. This is just wonderful. I hope things will be less stressful for you soon. Sometimes it seems all we can do is breathe. I prayed this once, telling the Lord I felt so overwhelmed that I hoped He would accept my breath as prayer. Bless you, xo P.S. I answered you on my blog.
