Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Am Thankful

I sit in quiet contemplation of the last year and breath a sigh of relief. Having made it through the year with only minor injuries, I look back and know that I am blessed.  We survived  moving three times in a 9 month period; making us feel like a band of traveling gypsies. You should know that my personality is not one suited to living out of boxes. : )

I am by every definition of the word a homebody. Home is being surrounded by my most cherished possession. Home is knowing every nook and cranny as well as my own face.  It is being able to close your eyes and seeing the exact pattern the sun will make on the floor at different times of the day and the moon at night.  Home.  The word alone feels comforting.

"I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.... I am thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby." ~Nancie J. Carmody

Nine months ago I packed all of my belongings and left my home in the hands of a realtor.  I, along with my family, set out to make a new home in another state.  I will spare you the details...it did not go as planned  Having, now, returned to our home, we have a greater appreciation than we've ever known.  The front door that swells during the winter isn't the bother that it once was, nor is the telephone booth sized shower.  Yes, the door still swells and the shower is still terribly small, but our perception of them has changed.  Instead of nit picking, I now chose to smile and love it all, for I am blessed to have a home so sweet.


  1. There are times when I hate my home because of all its quirks and flaws, phone booth shower being one of them as well. But then something happens to make me love and appreciate every inch all over again. I have a lot to be grateful for. BTW, I love your blog banner.

  2. Jodi, thank you so much for the comment :) This past year has really changed my view of my home. I did a little happy dance when I used my phone booth shower for the first time upon moving back. I will never take my home for granted again. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog banner....I worked on it for quite a while.
